Title: Mutan Bagua
Year: 2021
Medium: Augmented Reality 3D sculpture
“Mutant Bagua” is a 3D sculpture of the Taoist Bagua (八卦) as a machine-spirit interface. In the center lies the Chinese mythical pearl of knowledge surrounded by the eight trigrams of the Bagua, each representing a principle of reality translated into binary code: yin vs yang, 0 or 1. This digitization of ancestral code reinvents the form as a hybrid mutant sci-fi abstraction suggestive of queer robotics, drones, and imagined extraterrestrial technology. By uploading Taoist script into virtual form, “Mutant Bagua” serves as an ancestral portal to digital spirits that haunt the interface between Taoist structural code and digital data, reimagining the Taoist binary not as fixed gendered arrival points, but as vectors in motion: data storage in flux that when combined can reveal an infinite spectrum of possibilities.